Tag: Johnson County KS
Golden light on a Saturday
There’s been a lot going on in my life. I’ve been better at sharing my story on social media as opposed to keeping this website ‘fresh.’ This past Saturday, I managed to get out early and catch some trains at Edgerton City Park.
October, 1995, Part 1
in PhotosOkay, this is more of a continuing this blog where I left off, as the photos from October of 95 have been posted to flickr for quite some time, and I’m actually up to April of 96 in so far as scanning.
September 1995, part 3
in PhotosOnce I got the picture taking thing started 20 years ago, I just kept going. Thankfully, I should be a little more mobile, which is a good thing, since between the Sat-box, my PC, and Solar heating, I may have Nelly beat on heat generation. The next photo set I blog will be from October…
New I-35/Homestead Lane Diverging Diamond
in highwaysKansas now has a Diverging Diamond Interchange. The I-35 exit at Homestead Lane is now open. Unlike many recent DDIs, this is a new interchange to serve the new BNSF intermodal facility between Edgerton and Gardner.
New Photos and video
Last Saturday, I made a trip into KC to help promote the upcoming show of the Lawrence Model Railroad Club, as well as the ribbon-cutting for the Platform at the Amtrak Station in Lawrence. Meanwhile, I got some shots of some road signs of interest, particularly the re-routing of US 169 in Johnson County. Also,…
November already?
in PhotosFor being without a day job, it seems I’ve been rather busy…. October brought a pair of “Special” Amtrak trains, and a new interchange on K-7 in Johnson County.