A little bit was made on the Fox News Channel about Senator Obama accidentally stating that 10,000 had been killed in the Greensburg Tornado in reference to comments made Gov. Kathleen Sebelius regarding the state of the National Guard in light of the Iraq deployments.
Obviously, he added the thousand by mistake. However, it is worth noting that a guest on Hannity and Colmes thought that Obama meant to say that 10,000 were left homeless. There’s just one problem with that: Greensburg has a population of around 1,600 and Kiowa county (where Greensburg is the county seat and largest city) has a population of 3,300. As Ron Wilson of the Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development would say… “Now that’s Rural”
So, basically, the tornado did not directly affect 10,000 people.
By the way, My aunt’s sister-in-law lives in the area…. the Tornado missed her place.