Phill Kline v. Abortion Clincs

In the news has been the battle between our Attorney General, Phill Kline, and two abortion clinics.

Kline has used the medal records subpoena to receive information for abortions of those under 14 and for certain late-term abortions. The Clinics, obviously, have balked and have asked the courts to quash the subpoenas.

Allthough many have been emphasizing and criticizing the idea of Kline investigating Child Rape, I believe that issue is smoke and mirrors to the real guts of the issue — he believes, whether he’s right or wrong, that the clinics have flaunted existing law against late-term abortions (KSA 65-6703) and he is wanting to throw the book at them. Kline also has a strong pro-life streak, which further polarizes the political aspect.

As for me — I lean more towards the pro-life aspect. My family has never backed away from the responsibility and sacrifice needed to raise children, and I hope someday to join in. I would certainly be willing to encourage any woman I know to not let an opportunity slip by — not that I’ve really needed to.