The titular mirror stands over the corner of 21st Street and Wellman Road, the closest point from the paved road to my new election site: Sarcoxie Township station #2.
Kansas Governor: I promised back in August that if Kris Kobach won the primary, I would vote for the Democrat. Not only did I vote for Democrat Laura Kelly, I put up a sign for her in front of the Kennedy Compound.
US House – 2nd District: Steve Watkins was not my first choice of a GOP candidate; however, Democrat Paul Davis comes out of what I believe to be one of the most liberal Kansas House Districts – the GOP hasn’t fielded a viable candidate in that district in many years. The 2nd, as a whole, leans a little bit more to the right.
Secretary of State: Maybe this is a sympathy vote, but I picked Scott Schwab. One thing’s still for certain: he’s not Kris Kobach, even though his opponent has insinuated that he would be a Kobach clone.
Attorney General: I stuck with incumbent Derrick Schmidt. His opponent, Lawrence-based criminal defense attorney Sarah Swain, was disavowed by the Democrats over a poster she commissioned for her office depicting a Wonder Woman-like character choking a law enforcement officer.
State Treasurer: I promised Marci Francisco that I would not vote against her unless I was running for the same office. I’m still not planning on entering the political fray anytime soon.
Insurance Commissioner: Vicki Schmidt (no relation to the incumbent AG) has the name recognition advantage.
State Representative – 47th District: I picked incumbent Republican Ron Ellis. The Oskaloosa Independent did a profile on his opponent, which indicated he was from the Bernie Sanders school of thought. I am most definitely not in that camp.
Running unopposed in the General are Jefferson County Commissioner Lynn Luck (R) and Sarcoxie Township Clerk Bob Lockwood (R)
We also had seven Court of Appeals judges and two District Court judges facing retention. As far as I know, none are in hot water (and I actually browse the new caselaw every Friday). I voted to retain everyone.
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