Back in the Job Market

I’ve been working in the IT department over at the Golf Course Superintendants Association of America part time for 5 years. Unfortunately, in order for my supervisior to get the best person to assist the rest of the IT team in their duties, my position had to be eliminated, and I don’t have the experience to apply for the replacment position.

The good news is that there are several people at GCSAA that are sorry to see me go, and want to see my resume to potentially give to contacts. My friend Tracy was also instramental in helping me clean my resume.

In any case, I’ve got another week and a half to show the team how to handle the phone system, have some cake and ice cream, and retire my extension number.

In contrast, my friend Alicia is having a unsatasfactory relationship with her current employer, and is looking.
If anybody out there has and possible contacts for me or Alicia, your help is appreciate. Personally, I would prefer to stay in the Lawrence Area.


2 responses to “Back in the Job Market”

  1. Tracy Avatar

    I was happy to help- you’re a special guy and I KNOW you’re going to find the perfect place for you. We’ll miss you!

  2. That’s hard-core- it’s as if companies think of human beings as just another commodity.

    Keep your chin up.