DCC, Part 2

I blogged a couple weeks ago about my new Digital Command Control system for my model railroad.  I now have 3 more units wired up for DCC.

The first unit is a Norfolk Southern C44-9W.  I had tinkered with it for some time to get it running for DCC, but the first decoder got messed up by a dead short.  I rewired and re-isolated the motor.  Steve also offered me one of his older decoders and re-tested the unit.

He also had another “used” decoder, which fit in my 2nd GP60M, 156.

The final unit is a very special unit, since he is the one the little ones enjoy the most:  Thomas the Tank Engine.  During my wiring of Thomas, I acceidentally yanked one of the cables off the decoder.  I managed to solder it back in on the first attempt, which was a bit of a challange considering the small size of the decoder.  Everything else was real easy, since 3 of the 4 wires were colour-coded the same way as the decoder.  Testing went good, I got it assembled without messing up the moving eyes, and he is now running on my DCC layout.

Cyrus will be happy.