Length: 163.297 miles
West Endpoint: US 81 in South Haven
East Endpoint: Missouri State Line east of Baxter Springs
Counties Served:
Sumner, Cowley, Chautauqua, Montgomery, Labette, Cherokee
Junction Guide
KDOT Milepost | Total Miles | Junction |
166-96/0.000 | 0.000 | US 81 (Begin US 166) |
166-96/3.481 | 3.481 | I-35/Kansas Turnpike |
166-96/13.979 166-18/0.000 | 13.979 | Sumner/Cowley county line |
166-18/4.958 | 18.937 | West city limits Arkansas City |
166-18/5.575 | 19.554 | 7th Street, Arkansas City |
166-18/6.055 | 20.034 | Madison Avenue/Summit Street, Arkansas CIty |
166-18/6.561 77-18/3.688 | 20.540 | South junction US 77 (US 166 joins US 77) |
77-18/4.625 | 18.477 | US 77/Madison Avenue |
77-18/5.128 | 21.980 | Chestnut Avenue |
77-18/6.142 166-18/9.014 | 22.993 | North junction US 77 (roundabout) (US 166 leaves US 77) |
166-18/9.374 | 23.353 | East city limits Arkansas City |
166-18/26.904 | 40.883 | West junction K-15 (K-15 joins US 166) |
166-18/30.854 | 44.833 | East junction K-15 (K-15 leaves US 166) |
166-18/37.455 166-10/0.000 | 51.434 | Cowley/Chautauqua county line |
166-10/0.718 | 52.152 | Marsh Street, Cedar Vale |
166-10/15.543 | 66.977 | West junction US 166B |
166-10/19.884 | 71.318 | US 166B/K-99 |
166-10/24.406 | 75.840 | West city limits Peru |
166-10/24.660 | 76.094 | East city limits Peru |
166-10/28.865 | 80.299 | West city limits Niotaze |
166-10/29.513 | 80.947 | East city limits Niotaze |
166-25/32.009 166-63/0.000 | 83.443 | Chautauqua/Montgomery County line |
166-63/2.129 75-63/4.695 | 85.572 | North junction US 75 (US 166 joins US 75) |
75-63/1.697 166-63/5.127 | 88.570 | South junction US 75 (US 166 leaves US 75) |
166-63/10.773 | 94.216 | West city limits Tyro |
166-63/11.373 | 94.816 | East city limits Tyro |
166-63/19.352 | 102.795 | West city limits Coffeyville |
166-63/20.394 | 103.837 | Overlook Drive, Coffeyville |
166-63/21.677 | 105.120 | Read Avenue, Coffeyville |
166-63/22.633 | 106.076 | West junction US 169 (US 169 joins US 166) |
166-63/23.596 | 107.039 | 8th Street |
166-63/23.970 | 107.413 | Park Street |
166-63/24.231 | 107.674 | East city limits Coffeyville |
166-63/24.877 | 108.320 | East junction US 169 (US 160 leaves US 169) |
166-63/28.196 166-50/0.000 | 111.639 | Montgomery/Labette county line |
166-50/4.201 | 115.840 | Elk Road, Valeda |
166-50/9.178 | 120.817 | K-101 |
166-50/17.362 | 129.001 | Old K-134, Bartlett |
166-50/23.489 59-50/4.073 | 135.128 | West Junction US 59 (US 166 joins US 159) North city limits Chetopa |
59-50/3.129 | 136.072 | 9th/Maple, Chetopa |
59-50/2.579 166-50/24.983 | 136.622 | East Junction US 59, 3rd/Maple, Chetopa (US 59 leaves US 166) |
166-50/25.232 | 136.871 | East city limits Chetopa |
166-50/25.697 166-11/0.000 | 137.336 | Labette/Cherokee county line |
166-11/13.432 | 150.768 | US 69/K-7 |
166-11/18.341 | 155.677 | West city limits Baxter Springs |
166-11/18.919 | 156.255 | US 69A |
166-11/19.432 | 156.768 | East city limits Baxter Springs |
166-11/20.755 | 158.091 | US 400 (US 400 joins US 166) |
166-11/24.060 | 161.396 | K-26 |
166-11/25.961 | 163.297 | Missouri State Line |
AADT (2019)
Location | Count | Truck % |
US 81 to I-35/Kansas Turnpike | 1,850 | 19.7% |
I-35/KTA to Sumner/Cowley county line | 1,970 | 18.0% |
Sumner/Cowley county line to MP 19 | 2,240 | 16.3% |
MP 19 to Arkansas City | 2,610 | 14.6 |
West city limits Arkansas City to 7th Street | 4,260 | 17.2% |
Madison/7th to Madison/Summit, Arkansas City | 4,810 | 8.3% |
Summit St. from Madison to US 77, Arkansas City | 6,880 | 5.5% |
MP 312 to MP 314 | 4,420 | 14.1% |
MP 314 to Winfield | 4,570 | 15.5% |
West city limits Winfield to Lowry Street | 4,890 | 14.3% |
Lowry Street to US 77, Winfield | 6,210 | 10.5% |
US 77 from S. jct. US 77/US 166 to Madison Ave. | 4,200 | 2.6% |
US 77 from Madison Avenue to Chestnut Avenue | 5,800 | 13.2% |
US 77 from Chestnut Ave. to N. jct. US 77/US 166 | 6,280 | 12.8% |
US 77 to MP 24 | 4,910 | 9.1% |
MP 24 to MP 27 | 3,330 | 12.9% |
MP 27 to MP 30 | 2,030 | 20.9% |
MP 30 to K-15 | 1,150 | 36.5% |
US 166/K-15 concurrency | 1,810 | 32.6% |
K-15 to Cowley/Chautauqua county line | 1,630 | 40.8% |
Cowley/Chautauqua county line to Cedar Vale | 1,650 | 30.3% |
At Cedar Vale | 1,630 | 29.1% |
Cedar Vale to MP 64 | 1,550 | 30.3% |
MP 64 to west junction US 166B | 1,500 | 33.7% |
West junction US 166B to US 166B/K-99 | 1,150 | 38.3% |
US 166B/K-99 to Peru | 2,450 | 23.5% |
Peru to Niotaze | 2,429 | 19.6% |
Niotaze to north junction US 75 | 2,530 | 22.5% |
US 75/US 166 concurrency | 4,860 | 9.9% |
South junction US 75 to MP 90 | 3,260 | 14.7% |
MP 90 to Tyro | 5,240 | 17.1% |
In Tyro | 3,590 | 13.8% |
Tyro to MP 101 | 3,830 | 12.5% |
MP 101 to Coffeyville | 5,070 | 10.0% |
West city limits Coffeyville to Overlook Drive | 4,670 | 11.1% |
Overlook Drive to Read Avenue, Coffeyville | 6,990 | 7.6% |
Read Avenue to West junction US 169 | 11,200 | 4.8% |
West Junction US 169 to 8th Street | 9,840 | 22.2% |
8th Street to Park Street, Coffeyville | 10,100 | 13.8% |
Park Street, Coffeyville to East junction US 169 | 9,890 | 23.5% |
East junction US 169 to Valeda | 2,680 | 26.1% |
Valeda to K-101 | 2,710 | 24.0% |
K-101 to MP 125 | 2,080 | 26.0% |
MP 125 to Bartlett | 2,060 | 22.8% |
Bartlett to west junction US 59 | 1,990 | 25.9% |
US 59 from W. jct US 59/US 166 to 9th/Maple | 4,060 | 19.0% |
US 59 from 9th/Maple to E. jct. US 59/US 166 | 2,710 | 12.5% |
East junction US 59 to East city limits Chetopa | 3,780 | 25.8% |
Chetopa to MP 142 | 2,180 | 23.4% |
MP 142 to US 69 | 2,340 | 25.0% |
US 69 to MP 154 | 3,390 | 15.4% |
MP 154 to Baxter Springs | 3,100 | 23.2% |
West city limits Baxter Springs to US 69A | 5,330 | 16.6% |
US 69A to East city limits Baxter Springs | 7,930 | 11.1% |
Baxter Springs to US 400 | 7,510 | 10.9% |
US 400 to K-26 | 8,720 | 9.0% |
K-26 to Missouri State Line | 8,020 | 10.5% |