On Memorial Day, I took a road trip to explore a couple of roundabouts and parts of the new US 69 freeway in Linn County.
As a consequence of my road trip, I’ve also updated the US 69 exit guide to reflect the actual signage out in the field (I wasn’t that far off regarding the final segment of the freeway between Fort Scott and Kansas City.
I also added a conceptual exit numbering scheme… the new 2009 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices mandates that all major freeways have milepost-based exit numbering.
In addition, over the past week, there were protests over removing a Beaver Dam in the Baker Wetlands to prevent 31st Street from losing integrity. Therefore, I wrote a Letter to the Editor:
[EDIT 8/18/2024: Converted post to the WordPress “block” style, replaced all dead links with current ones]