Category: railroad
September 1995, part 1
OK, in scanning my negatives, Started in June, went through to August, then switched and started from the top in January. I guess that means I resume in September, right?
Got nothing better to do…
With the foot injury immobilizing me for a while, I pretty much have all my negatives from early ’95 rescanned. Now saved to flickr are some previously unreleased goodies 🙂
First Sunday of 2016
[All this happened before I broke my foot] The first Sunday of the month usually means cleaning the BNSF station in Lawrence. But first, I needed to get outside and catch some trains. Because of my ‘appointment,’ I elected to stay close to town and went with the UP Kansas Sub.
Back to when it all began…
I’ve been doing this picture-taking thing for 20 years now. To close out this 20th year, I pulled out my old negative folder and scanned several negatives from that first year.
Recent Railfan Photography
Okay, it’s been a while, but I have taken a few trips railfanning lately.
Standing on the Edge of Time
Today’s archive re-scanning goes back to November 3, 2001…
Not the usual station
On a normal day, Amtrak’s Southwest Chief stops at the station in Lawrence. However, it is not the station seen in the featured image above.
Amtrak Heritage Sweep
In 2011, Amtrak painted a group of locomotives in special 40th Anniversary paint schemes resembling the different paint schemes on its locomotives. As a Depot Redux volunteer, I usually greet the Amtrak train on Saturday mornings. I’ve kept a lookout for the heritage units as well. Within a year’s time, I had seen every one…
Two Kansas City northland layouts
This week, the Turkey Creek division of the NMRA held its monthly meeting at the home of two of its members. The purpose was to introduce some of its members who live south of the Missouri River to have a look at the model railroad work of their northlander counterparts. I took a whole bunch…