Length: 102.871 miles
South Endpoint:
US 77 in El Dorado (1964-1977)
US 54 east of El Dorado (1977-present)
North Endpoint:
US 77 South of Randolph (1964-1965)
US 77 east of Riley, concurrent with US 24 (1965-1991)
US 24 in Manhattan (1991-present)
Counties Served: Butler, Chase, Morris, Wabaunsee, Geary, Riley
Established April 8, 1964
Junction Guide
KDOT Milepost | Total Miles | Junction |
177-8/0.000 | 0.000 | US 54 (Begin K-177) |
177-8/17.923 | 17.923 | South city limits Cassoday |
177-8/18.466 | 18.466 | North city limits Cassoday |
177-8/18.753 | 18.753 | I-35/Kansas Turnpike |
177-8/22.348 177-9/0.000 | 22.348 | Butler/Chase county line |
177-9/6.316 | 28.664 | South city limits Matfield Green |
177-9/6.596 | 28.944 | North city limits Matfield Green |
177-9/14.336 | 36.684 | Bazaar |
177-9/20.922 | 43.270 | South city limits Cottonwood Falls |
177-9/21.422 | 43.770 | Union Street, Cottonwood Falls |
177-9/21.758 | 44.106 | North city limits Cottonwood Falls |
177-9/22.506 | 44.854 | South city limits Strong City |
177-9/23.213 | 45.561 | 4th/Cottonwood, Strong City |
177-9/23.469 | 45.817 | West city limits Strong City |
177-9/24.075 | 46.423 | US 50 |
177-9/33.077 177-64/0.000 | 55.425 | Chase/Morris County line |
177-64/9.321 | 64.746 | South city limits Council Grove |
177-64/9.868 | 65.293 | Elm Street, Council Grove |
177-64/10.237 | 65.662 | West junction US 56 |
177-64/10.405 | 65.830 | East junction US 56 |
177-64/10.856 | 66.281 | North city limits Council Grove |
177-64/21.852 177-99/0.000 | 77.277 | Morris/Wabaunsee County line |
177-99/0.998 4-99/0.000 | 78.275 | South junction K-4 (K-4 joins K-177) |
4-99/1.000 177-64/23.850 | 79.275 | North Junction K-4 (K-4 leaves K-177) Wabaunsee/Morris county line |
177-64/25.056 177-31/0.000 | 80.481 | Morris/Geary county line |
177-31/13.768 | 94.249 | I-70 |
177-31/14.480 177-81/0.000 | 94.961 | Geary/Riley County line |
177-81/7.018 18-81/11.781 | 101.979 | East junction K-18 |
18-81/11.303 | 102.457 | East city limits Manhattan |
18-81/11.201 177-81/7.598 | 102.559 | West junction K-18 |
177-81/7.910 | 102.871 | US 24 |
AADT (2019)
Location | Count | Truck % |
US 54 to MP 2 | 750 | 6.0% |
MP 2 to MP 9 | 520 | 8.7% |
MP 9 to Cassoday | 285 | 12.3% |
In Cassoday | 430 | 14.0% |
Cassoday to I-35/Kansas Turnpike | 635 | 9.4% |
I-35/Kansas Turnpike to Matfield Green | 325 | 13.8% |
In Matfield Green | 425 | 20.0% |
Matfield Green to Bazaar | 405 | 11.1% |
Bazaar to Cottonwood Falls | 710 | 6.3% |
South city limits Cottonwood Falls to Union Street | 1,410 | 4.6% |
Union Street to north city limits Cottonwood Falls | 1,870 | 4.0% |
Cottonwood Falls to Strong City | 2,840 | 7.0% |
South city limits Strong City to 4th Street | 2,920 | 2.7% |
4th Street, Strong City to US 50 | 475 | 22.1% |
US 50 to Council Grove | 810 | 17.9% |
South city limits Council Grove to Elm Street | 1,230 | 17.5% |
Elm Street, Council Grove to West junction US 56 | 2,470 | 10.5% |
US 56/K-177 concurrency | 6,960 | 4.7% |
East junction US 56 to NCL Council Grove | 3,170 | 8.5% |
Council Grove to MP 67 | 2,660 | 8.8% |
MP 67 to North junction K-4 | 1,900 | 11.8% |
North junction K-4 to MP 91 | 1,950 | 15.1% |
MP 91 to I-70 | 2,140 | 11.2% |
I-70 to MP 101 | 4,920 | 29.7% |
MP 101 to east junction K-18 | 9,510 | 6.5% |
K-18/K-177 concurrency | 12,000 | 6.3% |
West junction K-18 to US 24 | 23,800 | 24.3% |