24-23 KA 6793-01: Replace the traffic signal at Teepee Junction in North Lawrence (between US 24, US 40, and US 59)
52 N 0772-01: Full reconstruction of 158th Street from Garden Parkway to Parallel, and on Parallel from 159th Street to 155th.
30-99 KA 3920-01: Replace a small bridge over a drainage ditch with a box culvert at the railroad crossing just southwest of Maple Hill. Detour via I-70, Carlson Road, US 24, 54th Street, and Maple Hill Road (Designated Truck Route) or Waterman Crossing Road (No Trucks)
5-105 KA 6826-01: Rehabilitate the K-5 bridge over the Union Pacific railroad near the east end of the freeway.
177-64 KA 6017-01: Replace bridges over Fourmile Creek and three box culverts, shoulder widening, and mill and overlay between 4 Mile Road and the South City Limits of Council Grove. K-177 between 4 Mile Road and Council Grove will be closed during the project’s first phase, Detour via US 50, K-150, and US 56. One lane of traffic, controlled by traffic signals, over the Fourmile Creek bridge and at 4 Mile Road during the later phases.
59-2 KA 5566-01: Reconstruct the roundabout at the US 59/US 169 junction south of Garnett. Includes an emergency bypass, which will be used as a detour for part of the project. US 169 north of the roundabout will be reduced to one lane controlled by signals for part of this project.
7-6 KA 5804-01/7-19 KA 5803-02: Reconstrct K-7 from Crawford County Lake to US 69. Detour via K-47 and US 69, Auxillary detour from the west via K-3 and US 54
146-19 KA 6788-01: Install a new culvert east of Walnut. Detour via US 59, K-39, and K-3
Federal-Aid, Local Project:
66 C 5287-01: Bridge replacement on a tributary to the South Fork Nemaha River east of Kelly
106 KA 7661-01: Rumble strip milling at multiple locations: US 24 from 400 feet east of Countryside Lane east to 3790 feet west of US 75 near Topeka; US-75 at NW 46th north of Topeka; US 75 from 0.7 mi south of 62nd Street north of Topeka to 0.15 mi N of 158th Road near Mayetta; US-36 from 900 feet east of Kestrel Road near Hiawatha east to 1400’ E of Locust St in Troy; US 36 from 850’ east of St. Joeseph Street in Wathena to Roseport Rd in Elwood; and US 59 from Jefferson-Atchison County Line north to 300’ SW of Ottawa Rd.
435-105 KA 6963-01: Culvert repair on I-435 near Leavenworth Road
435-105 KA 6965-01: Bridge repair on Both northbound and southbound bridges on I-435 at Swartz Road; southbound bridges at 98th Street, Parallel Parkway, Georgia Avenue, and Leavenworth Road; and the northbound bridge over Connor Creek near Wolcott Drive.
635-105 KA 7191-02: Guardrail upgrades on I-635 at I-70 and State Avenue
56-57 KA 7384-01: Repair the US 56 bridge over Mud Creek, the UP Lost Springs Subdivision, and Walnut Street near Marion.
135-59 KA 6063-02: Guardrail upgrades on I-135 near Moundridge
82-106 KA 7656-01: 1-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay on K-82 from K-15 to US 77 in Clay and Riley Counties [except milling is 1.5-inch within the city of Wakefield]
25-77 KA 6737-02: Guardrail upgrades on K-25 north of Atwood
400-37 KA 6594-02: Guardrail upgrade on US 400 in western Greenwood County
160-63 KA 6958-01: Bridge repair on US 160 over Big Hill Creek south of Cherryvale
58-106 KA 7570-01: 1-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay on K-58 from LeRoy to ~ 2.2 miles west of US 169 in Coffey and Anderson Counties
50-78 KA 7569-01: 1.5-inch milling and 2-inch HMA overlay on US 50 from the Stafford/Reno County Line to Sego Road
156-28 KA 6729-01: Repair the K-156 bridge over the Pawnee River.
50-28 KA 7462-01: PCCP Patching on US 50 between Holcomb and Garden City
56-29 KA 7623-01: 3-inch HMA overlay near the intersection of US 56 and Wyatt Earp Boulevard (re-let from December)
96-68 KA 6609-02: Replace multiple bridges on K-96 between Ness City and the Ness/Rush County Line. One lane of traffic is to be maintained at each bridge controlled by traffic signals
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