KDOT Lettings: November 2024

We have back-to-back months with major projects. November’s big-ticket item is replacing the 18th Street Expressway bridge over the Kansas River in KCK. Awarded Bids announced on December 10 are highlighted in red.


69-105 KA 4881-02: replace the 18th Street Expressway bridge over the Kansas River. Hawkins Construction Co., Omaha, Nebraska, $121,849,845.46

14-27 KA-7535-01: 1/2-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay on K-14 from K-140 to I-70. Venture Corporation, Great Bend, $1,630,009.16.

4-27 KA-7536-01/4-59 KA-7537-01/4-85 KA-7538-01: 1/2-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay on K-4 from the Rice/Ellsworth County Line to I-135 in Ellsworth, McPherson, and Saline Counties (Saline County segment is non-FA)
Venture, $5,182,890.10

59 KA-6896-01:Reconstruction of a one-block section of Cole Street (K-260) in Moundridge.

24-62 KA-6437-01: Reconstruction of Wisconsin Street in Cawker City.

183-26 KA-7520-01: 2-inch milling and 2-inch Overlay on US 183 from Hays to the Ellis/Rooks County Line. Bettis Asphalt & Construction Inc., Topeka, $3,303,459.94.

23-32 KA-7521-01: Variable milling and 2-inch overlay on K-23 from the Lane/Gove County Line to Gove. Bettis, $3,273,602.96.

183-82 KA-7519-01/183-82 KA-7517-01: Variable milling and 2-inch overlay on US 183 from the Rooks/Ellis County Line to ‘S’ Road. Bettis, $2,508,109.33.

18-82 KA-7518-01: Ultrathin Bonded Asphalt Surface on K-18 from 5 Road to Plainville. Bettis, $1,412,383.80.

59-1 KA-7529-01:  Ultrathin Bonded Asphalt Surface on US 59 in Allen County. Bettis, $2,546,836.47.

59-2 KA-7530-01: 2-inch milling and 2 inch HMA overlay on US 59 from the Allen-Anderson County Line to US 169. Bettis, $3,751,122.83.

166-11 KA-7453-01/166-50 KA-7461-01: 1-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay on US 166 from the Montgomery/Labette County Line to Baxter Springs. Bettis, $7,291,261.27.

47-19 KA-7452-01: 1.5-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay on K-47 from K-7 to US 69. Bettis, $1,154,458.48.

160-25 KA-7532-01/160-25 KA-7531-01/160-25 KA-7533-01: 1.5-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay on US 160 in Elk County (segment west of Moline is non-FA) Venture, $4,494,316.80.

281-5 KA 6443-01: reconstruct 9th Street (US 281/K-4) in Hoisington from Center Street to Main Street.

96-36 KA-7539-01: 1-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay on K-96 from the Colorado State Line to K-27. Bettis, $5,981,427.03.

27-38 KA-7540-01: 1.5-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay on K-27 from US 56 to the Hamilton/Greeley County Line. Bettis, $2,913,003.20.

25-102 KA-7541-01/25-102 KA-7542-01: 1-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay on K-25 in Wichita County. Venture, $4,332,195.19.

Federal-Aid, local projects

7 C-5217-01: replace a bridge on 220th Street just west of US 75 South of Fairview.


36-58 KA-7566-01: 1-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay from the Washington/Marshall County Line to 4th Street in Marysville. Hall Brothers Inc., Marysville, $3,940,197.72.

99-58: 3/4-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay from US 36 to the Nebraska State Line. Hall Brothers,$3,338,224.36.

5-105 KA-7472-01: 2-inch milling and 2-inch overlay on K-5 from 10th Street to I-635. J M Fahey Construction Company, Grandview, Missouri, $1,615,655.75.

111-27: 1.5-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay on the entire length of K-111. Venture, $868,571.20.

169-2 KA-7534-01: 1-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay on US 169 from the Allen/Anderson County Line to 500 Road. Bettis, $759,965.64.

7-11 KA-1586-02: stream remediation involving reconstructing a short section of K-7 at Star Valley Road. Detour via US 69 and US 400. Heck & Wicker Inc., Parsons, $578,529.65

58-106 KA-7570-01: 1-inch milling and 1.5-inch overlay on K-58 from LeRoy to US 169.

56-80 KA-6455-01: Guardrail updates on US 56 near Chase.

42-87 KA-7457-01: 1.5-inch overlay from Hoover Road to the start of the 4-lane.


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