Tag: US 40B

  • KDOT Lettings: May 2023



    There are 22 projects up for letting on May 24, and we lead off with a South Lawrence Trafficway related project. Awarded bids announced on June 7 are highlighted in red. Awarded bids announced on June 29 are highlighted in blue. Federal-Aid: 40-23 KA 2841-02: Reconstruct the existing SLT/6th Street (US 40) interchange as a…

  • KDOT Lettings: March 2022



    34 projects were up for bids on March 16. Approved bids announced on March 31 are highlighted in red. Approved bids announced on May 2 are highlighted in blue

  • KDOT lettings: March 2020

    Technically, there were two KDOT lettings in the month of March. The first one, on March 10, was the delayed February lettings. The projects in this list were put up for bids on March 25.