Tag: US 50B
KDOT Lettings: December 2024
in LettingsThe December lettings focus on various maintenance projects, including road overlays, sidewalk improvements, and bridge repairs. Notable projects include PCCP patching on I-35, asphalt overlays on multiple routes, and specific improvements in Emporia and Junction City.
KDOT Lettings: May 2024
in LettingsAwarded Bids announced on June 6 are highlighted in red. Awarded bids announced on July 8 are highlighted in blue. Federal-Aid: 70-89 KA 6932-01: Deck patching on the California Avenue bridge over I-70 in Topeka. Bettis Asphalt & Construction Inc., Topeka, $332,976.37. 4-89 KA 6933-01: Repair the approaches to the Oakland Expressway bridges over 6th…
KDOT Lettings: September 2022
in highwaysThere are 43 projects up for letting in September. Approved bids awarded on October 6 are highlighted in red. Approved bids announced on November 9 are highlighted in blue.