KDOT Lettings: September 2022

There are 43 projects up for letting in September. Approved bids awarded on October 6 are highlighted in red. Approved bids announced on November 9 are highlighted in blue.


106 KA 6255-01: Signage replacement on the highways maintained by KDOT District 1 in Osage County. [I-35, along with the segment of K-31 south of the east I-35/K-31 junction, is maintained by KDOT District 4] CC & I Engineering Inc. /DBA Compass Consultants, Perham, Minnesota, $1,231,018.37.

14-45 KA 6614-01/14-62 KA 6613-01: 1/2-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay from the Lincoln/Mitchell County line to the South City Limits of Beloit, and from the North City Limits of Beloit to US 36 in Mitchell and Jewell Counties.
APAC-Kansas Inc. Shears Division, Hutchinson, $8,835,887.35.

26 C 5125-01: Signage and pavement marking updates at Old US 40 and Cathedrial Avenue/Pfeifer Road in Victoria and Old US 40 and Walker Avenue in eastern Ellis County. Roadsafe Traffic Systems Inc., El Dorado, $74,650.29.

25-55 KA 6618-01: 1-inch milling and 2-inch HMA overlay from MP 145.88 to Russell Springs, and 1.5-inch overlay from Russell Springs to US 40. APAC-Kansas, $4,992,508.57.

36-69 KA 6615-01: 1-inch milling and 2-inch HMA overlay from the Decatur/Norton County line to the west junction with K-383.
36-69 KA-6616-01: 1.5-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay from the west junction with K-383 to West Street in Norton
261-69 KA 6617-01: 2-inch milling and 2-inch HMA overlay on the entire length of K-261 (Non-FA)
APAC-Kansas, $5,996,178.23.

36-74 KA 5433-01: Reconstruction of State Street in Phillipsburg from 6th to 8th Streets Smoky Hill LLC, Salina, $1,141,485.65.

98 C 5066-01: Signage upgrades on all collector roads in Trego County. CC & I Engineering, $346,041.00.

54-37 KA 6595-01: 1.5-inch HMA overlay from the Butler/Greenwood County line to K-99, excluding through Eureka. APAC-Kansas, $3,508,489.53.

59-50 KA 6625-01: 1-inch milling and 2-inch HMA overlay on the US 59/US 160 concurrency. Bettis Asphalt & Construction Inc., Topeka, $2,762,793.53.

69-54 KA 6543-01: Lighting upgrades at the US 69/K-152 junction. Phillips Southern Electric Company Inc., Wichita, $255,983.00.

39-67 KA 6621-01: 1.5-inch milling and 2-inch HMA overlay from Irving Road to US 59.
59-67 KA 6622-01: 1.5-inch milling and 2-inch HMA overlay fromn the US 59/K-39 junction to the Neosho/Allen County Line.
Bettis, $4,606,859.21.

106 KA 6266-01: Signage updates on portions of US 75, K-58, K-31, and K-131 in Coffey County. Signs Up LTD DBA Haren’s Trees and Critters, Webster City, Iowa, $178,555.50.

177-8 KA 6628-01: 1/2-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay and new gravel on shoulders of K-177 from US 54 to the Butler/Chase County Line. APAC-Kansas, $3,331,367.87.

54-48 KA 6626-01/54-48 KA 6845-01: Pavement patching and pavment marking replacment on the US 54-400 bypass of Cummingham. Iowa Civil Contracting Inc., Victor, Iowa, $1,720,773.84.

80 TE 0504-01: New pedestrian and bicycle path along Cleveland Avenue from Broadway to 1st Street in Sterling. Multicon Inc., Park City, $316,569.30.

281-93 KA 6627-01: 1.5-inch surface recycle and chip seal from US 50 to K-19. Dustrol Inc., Towanda, $2,097,974.64.

50B-28 KA 5432-01: Partial reconstruction to improve Drainage on Fulton Street (US 50B) between Washington and Center Streets in Garden City. Smoky Hill LLC, $2,206,032.65

56-29 KA 5423-01: Reconstruction of the US 56-283/Trail Street (US 400) intersection to include a double-left turn lane from Westbound US 56/Southbound US 283 to Eastbound Trail Street.

160-34 KA 5986-01: Reconstruction of Oklahoma Street from Comanche Street to Cheyenne Street in Ulysses

56-41 KA 5997-01: Reconstruction of a 1-block segment of La Lande Avenue in Sublette.

54-60 KA 6629-01: 1/2-inch milling and 2-inch HMA mainline overlay and 2-inch shoulder overlay from 1.8 miles east of the Seward/Meade County Line to the West City Limits of Meade. APAC-Kansas, $6,776,705.10.

96-102 KA 3274-01: Reconstruction of Broadway Avenue and associated water line installation in Leoti. Koss Construction Co., Topeka, $8,177,969.90

Federal-Aid, local projects:

25 C 5080-01: Replace This Bridge over the Elk River northwest of Howard. Bridges, Inc., Newton, $646,504.00.

8 C 4935-01: Reconstruct Butler Road from K-254 west of Benton north ~ 2 miles. Alan’s Exavating, Inc., Augusta, $2,289,973.85

87 C 5077-01: Replace the Culvert on 21st Street over Rock Creek just downstream of Cheney Reservoir. Mies Construction, Inc., Wichita, $657,142.


59-23 KA 6692-01: 1-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay from N 1100 Road to K-10 and 2-inch milling and 2-inch overlay on Pleasant Grove hill.
Bettis, $1,567,755.18.

106 KA 6700-01: 3/4-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay on the entire length of K-13 in Riley and Pottawatomie Counties. Shilling Construction Co. Inc., Manhattan, $3,844,683.48.

36-79 KA 6743-01: Crack Sealing from the Jewell/Republic County Line to 2 miles west of Belleville
36-101 KA 6742-01: Crack sealing from the Republic/Washington County Line to K-22.
Pavement Pro’s LLC, McPherson, $150,490.50.

232-106 KA 6658-01: Chip sealing from Old US 40 to the Lincoln/Russell County Line in Ellsworth and Lincoln Counties.

106 KA 6703-01: 3/4-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay on K-14 from I-70 to the Lincoln/Mitchell County line and on the entire length of K-284. APAC-Kansas, $6,634,720.19.

383-69 KA 6717-01: Bridge repair on Bridge #022, 3.87 miles northeast of the Decatur/Norton County Line. PCI Roads, LLC, Saint Michael, Minnesota, $399,195.00.

31-2 KA 6785-01/31-16 KA 6786-01: Chip Sealing from near Old US 50 north of Waverly to Garnett in Coffey and Anderson Counties. Vance Brothers Inc. and Subsidiary, Kansas City, Missouri, $1,565,371.62.

7-19 KA 6490-01: Full-depth reconstruction of a one-block segment of Summit Street in Girard. Official detour via K-47 and US 69. Mission Construction Co. Inc., St. Paul, Kansas, $388,686.00.

59-50 KA 6709-01: 2-inch milling and 2-inch HMA overlay from US 160 to Parsons. Bettis, $2,302,998.66.

400-103 KA 6784-01: Crack Sealing on US 400 from Fredonia to Neodesha. PCI Roads, LLC, Saint Michael, Minnesota, $343,618.28.

96-86 KA 3258-01: Reconstruction of 5th Street from Ora to Church Street and from College Street to Jefferson Street in Scott City. Vogts-Parga Construction, LLC, Newton, $8,103,591.41


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