What did Santa leave….

Merry Christmas,

Under the christmas tree this year, besides the traditional train that I run (this year, a Life-Like Proto 2000 ATSF GP30 with 7 older Athearn cars and a Atlas RTR cabbose), was a CD changer for my stereo system here in the basement, so I cna enjoy these CD’s I have stashed down here while working on the computer…. I also got gift cards for Hastings and Target (which will likely go towards CDs and picture frames, respectively), plus some cold hard cash (to be deposited in my checking account to be used against a future purpouse)

For my young cousin Cyrus, I got him a couple books Downtown: one with trains, the other with fire trucks. For Cyrus, I’m preety much associated with “choo choos”

For Rylie, I got her a Corduroy book, a raggedy ann doll, and a little picture frame shaped like a pink handbag (the latter may be more for her mom….)

I drew my uncle Jim in the gift exchange drawing: he’s easy to shop for, as he’s a NY Jets fan. I got him a “throwback” hat and a winter cap.

My brother has the weirdest taste in Music, I got him a gift card from Hastings, not knowing my dad did the same…. 🙂

My mom got soap and shower gel from the Crabtree & Eveyln collection.

My dad got a set of golf gloves.

I almost don’t want to look at the totals for the gifts I bought, but they came to about $150 over two paychecks, plus my other expeses for the week. No leaving Lawrence, and NO shopping at Wal*Mart.