July, 2019 KDOT lettings

I’ve been writing a summary of the monthly lettings of the Kansas Department of Transportation on the aaroads.com forum as a sneak peak of the planned projects that the state is working on. So, I might as well publish them here as well.

Federal-Aid projects:

24-81 KA 4757-01: Intersection improvement at the intersection of Tuttle Creek Boulevard (US 24) and Kimbell Drive in Manhattan. Adding Double left turn lanes from Kimball to westbound Tuttle Creek Blvd. and Double right turns from Kimball to Eastbound Tuttle Creek Blvd. Protected left turns on all legs, with protected/permitted right/turns from eastbound Tuttle Creek Blvd to Kimball (five-aspect) and from Kimball to Eastbound Tuttle Creek Blvd. (double FYA)

106 KA 5145-01: Lighting at six intersections in Atchison, Jefferson, and Douglas Counties

62 U 2330-01: Safe Routes to School sidewalk improvements in Beloit

70-85 KA 5282-01: Pavement marking from Halstead Road to Niles Road near Salina

47-19 KA 4755-01: Intersection improvement at St. Johns Street (K-47) and Ozark Avenue in Girard

59-50 KA 4536-01: Roundabout at the north junction of US 59 and US 160 east of Altamont

78 U 2333-01: Safe Routes to School project in Haven

Federal-Aid county road bridge replacements:

99 C 4924-01: Replacment of the Headwaters Road bridge over Batch Creek northwest of Harveyville.

9 C 4910-01: Replacement of this bridge over Bloody Creek in Chase County

61 C 4916-01: Replacement of this truss bridge on 263rd Street over North Wea Creek near Louisburg.

68 C 4919-01: Bridge replacement 3 miles west of US 283

Non-Federal Aid projects:

75-7 KA 5285-01: Rumble strips Milling on US 75 between Fairview and Sabetha

81-15 KA 5264-01: Milling and overlay on US 81 between the Ottawa/Cloud county line and US 24.

106 KA 5268-01: Crack Sealing on K-28 from K-14 to K-148 and K-148 from K-20 to US 81 in Jewell and Republic Counties

70-32 KA 5276-01: Spot milling and HMA overlay on I-70 near Quinter

160-13 KA 5275-01: Ditch grading on US 160 3 miles west of Ashland


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