KDOT Lettings: January 2022

There are 41 projects up for letting at KDOT’s January 19 letting, including many asphalt overlays of concrete roadways. Approved bids announced on January 27 are highlighted in red. Approved bids announced on March 2 are highlighted in blue.


192-44 KA 6235-01/192-52 KA 6238-01: (combined) 1-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay along the entire length of K-192 in Jefferson and Leavenworth Counties. Herzog Contracting Corp., St. Joseph, Missouri, $2,613,846.74.

4-44 KA 6315-01/59-44 KA 6338-01: 1-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay on K-4 from K-92 to US 59, and continuing northeast on US 59 from K-4 to the Jefferson/Atchison County Line (US 59 portion of the project is non-FA) Herzog, $4,770,585.37.

35-46 KA 6502-01: Pavement marking on I-35 from the Miami/Johnson County line to Olathe

50-56 KA 6398-01: 3-inch overlay from the Chase/Lyon County Line to Road E5 west of Emporia APAC-Kansas Inc. Shears Division, Hutchinson, $3,035,190.16.

35-56 KA 6401-01: 1.5-inch HMA overlay from US 50 at Exit 133 to the Lyon/Coffey County line
50-56 KA 6422-01: Milling and HMA overlay on US 50 from the East City Limits Emporia to I-35 Exit 133 (non-FA)
APAC-Kansas, $5,603,729.17.

89 TE 0494-01: New shared-use path along the north side of SW 10th Street between Wanamaker Road and Robinson Avenue in Topeka (Re-let from August 2021) Conroy Contractors Inc., Topeka., $389,814.30

106 KA 6096-01: Signage upgrade on US 24, US 77, K-18, K-82, K-113, K-114, and K-177 in Riley County – including the K-18 freeway west of Manhattan. Cooper Construction LLC, Emporia, $1,839,487.15.

56-59 KA 5416-01: Reconstruction of the US 56/K-153 intersection. Pearson Construction LLC, Wichita, $665,685.10

41-72 KA 6131-01: Repair of the K-41 bridge over Dry Creek PCI Roads, LLC, Saint Michael, Minnesota, $783,114.68.

15-101 KA 3959-01: Replace the K-15 bridge over Ash Creek south of Washington. Traffic to be carried on a shoo-fly detour. King Construction Company Inc. & Subsidiaries, Hesston, $2,836,317.49.

40-55 KA 6500-01/40-32 KA 6501-01: (combined) Pavement marking replacement of US 40 from the west junction with US 83 west of Oakley to I-70 east of Oakley in Logan and Gove Counties Roadsafe Traffic Systems Inc., El Dorado, $485,078.34.

40-55 KA 3915-01: Replace the US-40 bridge over North Bridge Hackberry Creek between Monument and Oakley. The new bridge will be constructed to the southeast of the present bridge. Sporer Land Development Inc., Oakley, $1,843,397.48.

70-98 KA-5688-01: Repair of the I-70 bridges over K-147 near Ogallah PCI Roads, $569,899.90.

54-1 KA 6408-01/54-104 KA 6407-01: (combined) 1.5-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay from the East City limits of Yates Center to the West City Limits of Iola. Shilling Construction Co. Inc., Manhattan, $3,301,196.72.

99-10 KA 6317-01/99-25 KA 6340-01: 1.5-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay from US 166B in Chautauqua County to US 160 in Elk County. (Elk County segment is non-FA) Cornejo & Sons LLC, Wichita, $3,157,813.66.

35-16 KA 6402-01: 2.5-inch milling and 2-inch HMA overlay from the Lyon/Coffey County line to US 75 at BETO Junction. Bettis Asphalt & Construction Inc., Topeka, $7,043,640.73.

59-50 KA 6319-01: 1-inch milling and 1-inch HMA overlay from the Oklahoma State Line to the North City Limits of Oswego Emery Sapp & Sons Inc. and Subsidiaries, Columbia, Missouri, $2,148,386.05.

169-61 KA 6241-01: 1-inch RCI and 3-inch HMA overlay on the northbound and southbound lanes of US 169 from MP 129.0 North to MP 139.6 near Paola Bettis, $6,695,806.07.

169-63 KA 6412-01: 1.5-inch milling and HMA overlay on the four-lane segment of US 169 east of Coffeyville
166-63 KA 6411-01: 1.5-inch milling and HMA overlay on the four-lane US 166/US 169 concurrency (non-FA)
Bettis, $2,970,157.93.

42-48 KA 6332-01/42-4 KA 6331-01/42-76 KA 6330-01: (combined) 1.5-inch milling and 1.5-inch HMA overlay on K-42 US 281 to K-14 in Pratt, Barber, Kingman Counties. (Barber county segment is Non-FA)
APAC-Kansas, $8,687,896.90.

14-80 KA 3893-01: Replacement of the Cow Creek Drainage Bridge (032) south of Lyons. A new bridge will be built parallel to the existing bridge. Traffic in later phases of the project to be reduced to one lane controlled by traffic signals. King, $4,321,593.70.

54-87 KA 6088-01: Replace deck and rails, add shear studs, paint superstructure, replace approach pavement, and steel repair on the westbound US 54 bridge over K-251. Traffic moving head-to-head in the eastbound lanes. A. M. Cohron & Son Inc., Atlantic, Iowa, $2,042,006.34.

166-96 KA 6430-01: 1-inch RCI and two 1.5-inch overlays on US 166 from US 81 to Rock Road. Concrete patching and 3-inch overlay on the segment near the Turnpike. Cornejo & Sons LLC, Wichita, $9,844,401.56..

Federal-Aid, Local Projects:

43 C 5078-01: Replace the bridge on T Road over Straight Creek southeast of Netawaka King Construction Company Inc & Subsidiaries, Hesston, $622,967.60


36-7 KA 6391-01: 1.5-inc surface recycle and chip seal from the Nemaha/Brown County Line to Hiawatha Dustrol Inc., Towanda, $1,455,797.33.

99-56 KA 6392-01: Chip seal from the Greenwood/Lyon County Line to Emporia Circle C Paving and Construction LLC, Goddard, $482,661.50.

75-70 KA 6394-01: 1.5-inch surface recycle and chip seal from the Coffey/Osage County Line to Jordan Road. Dustrol, $999,752.83.

75-70 KA 6395-01: 2-inch milling and 2-inch HMA overlay on US 75 from K-68 to K-31/K-268 Killough Construction Inc., Ottawa, $1,429,456.43.

75-70 KA 6396-01: Chip seal from K-31/K-268 to the beginning of the 4-lane south of US 56. Circle C Paving and Construction LLC, Goddard, $468,466.41.

106 KA 6358-01: 1-inch surface recycle and chip seal on K-58 from Madison to Leroy and on K-248 Dustrol, $3,004,770.93.

254-8 KA 5556-01: Reconstruction of westbound K-254 at Adams Road. Pearson Construction LLC, Wichita, $293,382.50.

254-87 KA 5554-01: Reconstruct the intersection of K-254 and Rock Road Pearson, $642,116.20.


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